Stepping Stones to a Brighter Future, Inc., is a 501 (c)(3)
human service agency whose mission is to provide financial,
emotional and life skills assistance to survivors of domestic violence
in Morgan County, West Virginia.


All of our clients are Morgan County domestic violence survivors referred by Shenandoah Women’s Center (SWC). While SWC does direct clients to other agencies that provide financial assistance, there are many instances where they do not meet strict eligibility criteria, they’ve surpassed the assistance offered, or they have other needs not covered. That’s where we step in, and it is often the lifeline that keeps these families from returning to dangerous or untenable living situations. Each year we help survivors by providing $4,000 to $5,000 in assistance to for car repairs, gas, housing costs, utilities, food, medical or dental bills, and other expenses.

How We Are Funded:

We are funded completely by donations and community
fund-raisers. We are a registered 501(c)(3) charitable
organization, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Stepping Stones is run by volunteers, so 100% of all
donations benefit our charitable goals.

For more information about us and our upcoming
events, visit us on Facebook by clicking the link above!

How You Can Help:

1) Click the DONATE! button above.

2) Support our fund-raisers!
Generally, they include the following events:
• Bake Sale at Uniquely West Virginia Wine & Food Festival
• Shoe & Purse Sale and designer purse raffle
during Hey Girlfriend weekend
• Shimmy Mob

3) Hold a fund-raiser on our behalf!

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